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Search Committee

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Committee Charge

In turn and in accordance with the Regents’ Rules, the Board of Regents set forth the following charge to guide the Texas Tech University Presidential Search Committee in fulfilling its duties.

Search Committee Charge

The President Search Committee consists of 12 members who represent various campus constituencies, including students, deans, faculty and alumni. Working in conjunction with a search consultant, the committee will help identify potential candidates, assist with initial screenings, and report its recommendations to the Board of Regents and the Chancellor.

The Board of Regents, with a recommendation from the Chancellor, will make the final decision of selecting the next president of Texas Tech University.

To fulfill this charge (Search Committee Charge), all members of the President Search Committee have signed a Code of Ethics and Confidentiality Agreement that prohibits them from publicly identifying any person who is being considered for the position.

Committee Members

Members of the search committee include:

In addition to the committee, the following Texas Tech University System leaders have been asked to serve as resources available to the committee: