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Position Description

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Texas Tech University System

The Board of Regents of the Texas Tech University System invites nominations, inquiries, and applications for the role of Chancellor, Texas Tech University System. Reporting directly to the Board of Regents of the Texas Tech University System, the Chancellor will be the Chief Executive Officer of the System with oversight responsibility for the System’s components: Texas Tech University, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Angelo State University, and Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center at El Paso.

The Texas Tech University System
Established in 1996, the Texas Tech University System has emerged as one of the top public university systems in Texas and is a dynamic force in higher education. The TTU System consists of four component institutions and operates at multiple campuses and academic sites across the state and globe. Headquartered in Lubbock, the System employs approximately 17,000 and has an annual operating budget of $1.7 billion.

In the past seven years, the Texas Tech University System has experienced an unprecedented period of growth and success:

Governance, Mission, and Strategic Plan
The Texas Tech University System is governed, controlled, and directed by a nine-member Board of Regents who are appointed by the governor and confirmed by the Texas legislature, as well as a non-voting student regent who is appointed by the governor.

The mission of the Texas Tech University System is to provide leadership and support services for its component institutions in the attainment of each component's individual mission, including raising funds, managing endowments, overseeing strategic planning, and carrying out Board of Regents’ rules and policies.

In February 2013, the Texas Tech University System adopted Value Added, Value Accounted,
(http://www.texastech.edu/downloads/strategicplan/ttu-system-administration-strategic-plan-2013-online.pdf) the strategic plan and value report for the TTU System central administration that outlines the priorities and goals of the TTU System administration and the value the System provides to the component institutions.

Position Overview
The Chancellor is responsible for providing transformative leadership, focus, and strategic vision as Chief Executive Officer of the System. In conjunction with, and at the direction of the Board of Regents, the Chancellor is expected to develop and implement strategic plans and directions for quality targeted growth of the System and its component institutions, including plans that foster collaboration with other universities and partnerships with companies for the advancement of public higher education and research activities in Texas. The Chancellor provides visionary leadership and teambuilding for each component institution, specifically the Presidents. It is important that the Chancellor brings a record of significant fund-raising expertise, as well as a record of effectiveness in political and governmental arenas to foster ongoing support and resources to meet the goals and objectives of the TTU System and its component institutions.

The Chancellor is expected to work tirelessly to advance the TTU System on its pathway to excellence, and to embrace the Board of Regents’ broad-based strategic priorities.

System Chancellor Role Specifications and Attributes
Background/experiences and skills/accomplishments that are key to the success of the Chancellor

Key Attractors
Key points the organization believes will be strong attractors to top candidates

Send your CV/resume, current bio/profile, and compensation to:

For more information or to discuss this position, contact:
Mike Wheless, Jr., President of Texas Operations or Mabry Smith, Corporate President and Managing Partner
800 448 0926