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Office of the
Chief Financial Officer 
Texas Tech University System 

TTU System Building
1508 Knoxville Ave.,Suite 301 
Box 42016 
Lubbock, TX 79409-2016

Phone: 806.742.9000

8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Central,
Monday - Friday


Penny Harkey

Penny Harkey

Interim Vice Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer

Penny Harkey served as the interim vice chancellor and chief financial officer of the Texas Tech University System from April 1, 2022 to Jan. 1, 2023. Harkey served a dual role while continuing her duties as the CFO and executive vice president of finance and operations at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center. Harkey began her interim position April 1, 2022 and filled the interim roll until James Mauldin began his duties on Jan. 2, 2023.

Harkey was appointed to the interim position by TTU System Chancellor Tedd L. Mitchell, M.D., following a retirement announcement by Gary Barnes. Barnes served as vice chancellor and CFO of the TTU System since 2016 and concluded his duties on April 30, 2022.

Harkey brings 35 years of experience to the position after joining TTUHSC in 1987 as an accountant. She has held several leadership positions at TTUHSC – a six-school, comprehensive health-related university with campuses in Abilene, Amarillo, Dallas, Lubbock and Midland/Odessa. She spent nearly 20 years as the assistant vice president for budget before being named to her current role in 2017.

As interim vice chancellor and chief financial officer, Harkey coordinated the system's annual operating budget of $2.65 billion and was responsible for the overall financial strength and stability of the TTU System. She also managed multiple offices and services at the TTU System, including the Office of Treasury, Risk Management, Information Technology, Office of Equal Employment Opportunity and the Office of Investments. In addition, she also served as the treasurer of the Texas Tech Foundation during her interim role.