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Leader & Culture Development 
Texas Tech University System 

System Administration Building 
1508 Knoxville Ave., Suite 221
Box 42013
Lubbock, TX 79409

Office: 806.834.8152

8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Central, Monday - Friday

Leader and Culture Development

Leader & Culture Development

The Leader & Culture Development office supports the values-based culture and leadership initiatives for the TTU System and its component universities.


The Leader and Culture Development office offers services to the TTU System Administration and to component institutions of the TTU System related to people development and integration of culture based on the shared core values of each individual university or system entity.

Values-Based Culture

Our work across the TTU System identifies existing core values that individuals share and then codifies those values with desired behaviors, creating a framework of accountability for all stakeholders, including students, faculty, staff and administrators. We involve a broad collection of stakeholder groups in an initial values summit where we identify and define shared values and write desired behaviors that indicate when we are living those values. Subsequent work is to develop a collaborative, cross-silo values council at each entity to integrate the values into operational processes including hiring, recognition and promotions.

People Development

Leader & Culture Development team members work with components of the TTU System to inventory and understand what programs are working well and what is needed to meet future needs. We pay special attention to succession planning, so we can develop internal candidates to be prepared for the responsibilities of the next position in their career path. We focus on the priorities needed at the System Administration and each university and tailor programs to meet those needs. Our team works with a component-specific advisory council to stay aligned with the institution’s strategic plan for people.

World Business Forum NYC 2024

The Texas Tech University System is the main sponsor of the World Business Forum NYC 2024.

Organizations and entrepreneurs from around the world rank the World Business Forum as one of the top five best platforms in the world for executive education. Each year, this forum brings premier thought leaders together to speak to participants on relevant topics impacting their organizations.

For several years, leaders across the Texas Tech University System have participated in the forum and gained valuable insight they could use in their respective roles. At the TTU System Administration, we have integrated perspectives and ideas from many of the speakers into the programs created in our Leader & Culture Development office.

Podcast: "Creating Us!"

Each week, a new episode will be recorded discussing a variety of current leader development topics and trends.