TTU System Administration Return to Normal Operations
Chancellor Tedd L. Mitchell, M.D., issued Monday (May 3) the following update to the Texas Tech University System Administration (TTUSA) on COVID-19 protocols at the TTU System Building.
Letter from Chancellor Mitchell:
Last August, the majority of our departments and employees at the Texas Tech University System Administration (TTUSA) returned to work locations for in-person operations, and thanks to the commitment of our team members, we have been able to successfully and incrementally resume our daily operations with a continued focus on health and safety.
As we approach the end of the 2020-21 academic year, I join many across Texas who are optimistic as we see our state’s coronavirus positivity rate and hospitalizations decrease significantly, while also seeing vaccines being readily available to those in Texas ages 16 and up.
This progress is encouraging and underpins the decision for our universities to return to face-to-face instruction as a primary form of teaching for Fall 2021. Each university is sharing plans with its respective campus communities on the timing and changes to protocols for a full return of in-person work presence and normal operations.
Effective May 31, our TTUSA team will conclude all existing remote work accommodations for employees implemented as a result of the pandemic and will return to fully in-person operations June 1. Exceptions for employees seeking a disability accommodation may be requested and considered through the TTUS Office of Equal Opportunity and the TTU Department of Human Resources.
We also are adjusting our operational protocols at the TTU System Building to return to normal operations, which also take effect June 1. Please review the following adjustments to our building’s protocols as we prepare for this transition over the next month:
- • Face coverings will be optional in the TTU System Building. Individuals who have
not received a COVID-19 vaccination or who have underlying health conditions are encouraged
to wear face coverings.
• All conference rooms and shared spaces in common areas will be available for use at normal capacities in the TTU System Building.
• Events and public gatherings in the TTU System Building may resume at normal capacities.
• Work-related domestic travel may resume under normal operations following standard policies.
• COVID-19 vaccines are not required; however, if you have not already received your vaccine, we encourage you to do so. Visit here for more information.
• Additionally, a short, voluntary COVID-19 vaccine survey is available to gather input regarding whether team members have already received the vaccine or plan to receive the vaccine. Visit here to participate.
Similar to how we entered the pandemic, parameters will vary slightly at each university and we should keep this in consideration when working with our university partners. TTUSA employees working on other campus and work locations, including in Austin and Washington, D.C., should follow the local guidelines established with the teams they are supporting at the discretion of their respective Vice Chancellor or supervisor.
We also ask employees to continue to monitor personal health. If an employee becomes ill or has been potentially exposed to the coronavirus, they should notify their supervisor and utilize our COVID-19 resources:
- • Employee Positive Test Notification and Protocol — Flowchart
• Supervisor’s Guide
• Employee’s Guide
• TTU/TTUSA COVID-19 Management System
I greatly appreciate your support and teamwork as we continue to make strides moving forward. The integrity and respect displayed by our team members have been integral to the caring for our community over the past 13 months. I am extremely proud of your commitment to fulfilling our mission and thank you for your leadership and dedication to our TTUSA team.
Warmest regards,
Tedd L. Mitchell, M.D.
Chancellor, Texas Tech University System