John Opperman, Ph.D.
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Dr. John Opperman was named Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs at the Texas Tech University System in June 2015. He served as Interim President at Texas Tech University from January 2016 through July 2016, returning to his current post at the Texas Tech University System in August 2016.
In his role, Dr. Opperman is responsible for system-wide strategic planning, academic affairs, and policy development. He also collaborates with university presidents, provosts and academic leadership on academic initiatives, programs and procedures.
Prior to his current appointment, Dr. Opperman served as Vice Chancellor for Policy & Planning since 2002. In this role, he oversaw strategic planning for the TTU System and academic policy issues assigned by the Chancellor.
Previously, Dr. Opperman was the Vice Chancellor of Administration and Finance and Chief Financial Officer for the TTU System from 1996-1999. In addition to his positions at the TTU System, Dr. Opperman has spent more than 20 years in public service with the State of Texas, working primarily on issues related to higher education, public education, and state budgeting.
He has served as Director of Budget, Policy & Planning for the Governor of Texas, Budget Director for the Lt. Governor of Texas, and Director of the Senate Finance Committee in the Texas Legislature. He also has served as a special adviser to the Lt. Governor on public and higher education policy and the state budget, and most recently as a special adviser to Sen. Jane Nelson.
Dr. Opperman holds a bachelor's degree from Texas Tech University and master's degree and Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin. He has taught courses in economics at the University of Texas at Austin and Texas Tech University. He and his wife, Becky Opperman, have three sons, Justin, Sean and Jared.