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Simplify and save time by utilizing Scantron testing services available to all faculty and teaching assistants. This process is very easy and can help eliminate the need for posting grades or devoting class time/office hours to notify students of their grades.

Deliverables you will receive when utilizing the service include:

We continually make efforts to improve the testing experience received from the TOSM staff. If you have any suggestions/comments, please talk to the staff at the front desk when submitting tests, or feel free to email Lisa Gould.



Steps needed to accomplish electronic distribution:

  1. Request a “Student Detail” report for each test submitted
  2. The “Student Detail” report will be electronically sent to you as a PDF file. After you have reviewed results and are satisfied, forward the PDF file to testgrading.tosm@ttu.edu. (forwarded email must be sent from a valid ttu.edu email address)
  3. Once submitted, each student will receive his/her corresponding detailed results page.
  4. Once the file has been processed you should receive an email stating that the results were delivered.