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IRMA Exemption

Office of Treasury
Texas Tech University System 

System Administration Building
1508 Knoxville Ave., Ste. 315
Box 41098
Lubbock, TX  79409-1098

Phone: 806.742.1700

Email: ttus.treasury@ttu.edu

8 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Central, Monday - Friday

CP Program

Tax-Exempt and Taxable Commercial Paper Offerings

Outstanding Commercial Paper

I. Board of Regents of Texas Tech University System Revenue Financing System Tax-Exempt and Taxable Commercial Paper Notes, Series A $150,000,000 Authority

Underwriter and Dealer Information:

JP Morgan Securities, Inc.
270 Park Avenue, 48th Floor
New York, New York 10017

Peter McCarthy
Phone: 212-834-7224
Fax: 212-834-6737
Email: Peter.McCarthy@chase.com