TTU System Regents to Meet May 19-20
Regents will have a two-day meeting on the Texas Tech University campus in Lubbock.
May 18, 2016 | Contact Dailey Fuller
The Texas Tech University System Board of Regents will meet Thursday and Friday (May 19-20) in Lubbock. The meeting will take place in the Ballroom (Room 118) of the Texas Tech University Student Union (15th Street and Akron Avenue).
Below are highlights of the topics and items to be discussed at the upcoming meeting, including estimated times with periodic recesses. Meeting materials and a link to live streaming will be available online at Parking for news media is available in the R07 lot in between the Student Union building and Administration building.
Thursday, May 19
10:00 a.m. – Board of Trustees Meeting of the Carr Scholarship Foundation
10:30 a.m. – Facilities Committee
- Approve the Five-Year Capital Projects Plans for all Texas Tech University System entities
- Approve naming of Sports Medicine Center at Texas Tech University
- Approve project to construct the new Panhandle Clinical Simulation Center on the Amarillo campus of Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
11:15 a.m. – Audit Committee
11:40 a.m. – Finance and Administration Committee
- Authorize a quasi-endowment to support a chair in cancer research at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
1:10 p.m. – Academic, Clinical and Student Affairs Committee
- Approve the naming of the Department of Engineering and acceptance of a related gift at Angelo State University
- Approve the addition of the Doctor of Education with a major in Nursing Education at Angelo State University
- Approve a new Ph.D. in Addictive Disorders and Recovery Studies at Texas Tech University
- Approve an online and on-campus Master of Science in Manufacturing Engineering at Texas Tech University
- Approve a post baccalaureate certificate program at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso
1:50 p.m. – Executive Session
4:30 p.m. – Recess
Friday, May 20
8:30 a.m. – Call to order; reconvene Meeting of the Board
- Introductions and Recognitions
- Reports from Chancellor and Presidents
10:15 a.m. – Executive Session
12:00 p.m. – Adjournment
About the Texas Tech University System
The Texas Tech University System is one of the top public university systems in Texas and the nation, consisting of
four component institutions – Texas Tech University, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Angelo State University and Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso – and operating at more than a dozen academic sites and centers. Headquartered in
Lubbock, Texas, the Texas Tech University System has an annual operating budget of
nearly $2 billion and approximately 19,000 employees focused on advancing higher education,
health care, research and outreach.
In 2015, the Texas Tech University System’s endowment exceeded $1.1 billion, total research expenditures were more than $215 million and total enrollment was approximately 50,000 students. Whether it’s contributing billions of dollars annually in economic impact or being the only system in Texas to house an academic institution, law school and health-related institution at the same location, the Texas Tech University System continues to prove that anything is possible.