Chancellor's Blog

The Campus Carry Conversation
July 2, 2015
Every legislative session is filled with hot topics and fancy rhetoric, and the recently completed 84th session was no exception. A lot of the conversation this year centered around expanding the rights of Texas gun owners, and what emerged from that conversation were two bills that came to be called “open carry” and “campus carry.”
Same Table, Different Seat
May 29, 2015
One of the things I hold most dear is the political process. I don’t mean the campaigning and the run-up to elections – that’s one thing I don’t miss about my previous career! I’m talking about what happens once the elected officials show up to do the job they were elected to do. And I so enjoyed being a part of this process during my time in the Texas Legislature.
Fabric of our Faculty
February 18, 2015
Over the past few weeks, I have had the honor of presenting the Chancellor’s Council Distinguished Faculty Awards to a handful of outstanding members of the Texas Tech University System family. These are the most prestigious awards given to faculty members from each of our institutions who represent excellence in both teaching and research. This was my first time as Chancellor to award these honors, and the honor ended up being all mine.