The project includes two new buildings on the North side of the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center and an expansion on the West end of POD C, filling in the open area between the HSC and Preston Smith Library.
The proposed West Expansion will construct an 122,804 GSF addition to the West end of the existing TTUHSC building. This expansion will provide facilities for study and research in the anatomical sciences with 1 - 240 seat flip classroom, 4 - 100 seat classrooms, and a new modern, compliant and larger gross anatomy lab that responds to an increased School of Medicine class size for LCME accreditation requirements. Also, faculty and staff offices, student lounge/collaboration study areas, and space programmed for a future café kiosk. The roof areas on the North side of the building located on the 2nd and 5th floors are programmed and structured for future building growth. The project also provides a physical connection to the Preston Smith Library at the second floor level; previously programmed in that facility. Furthermore, the expansion will accommodate growth in other schools through utilization of the new facility and provide an opportunity to correct life safety and deferred maintenance within the existing building.
The proposed North Expansion will construct two buildings, (the ERT building consisting of 62,258 GSF and a Conference Center Building with 12,220 GSF, totaling 74,478 GSF.
The Education, Research, and Technology building with 62,258 GSF will be constructed in support of institutional initiatives, program growth and academic changes. This facility will provide state-of-the-art research laboratories, translational research facilities classrooms, offices, support spaces, new technology and equipment, and related infrastructure upgrades.
The free-standing Class/Conference Center building with 12,220 GSF, is being constructed to provide adequate daily, on-site class and conferencing space. This facility will be just West of the new Education, Research, and Technology building and North of the existing Academic Classroom Building. The combination of the proposed programs for these buildings and their central adjacency to other facilities will provide accessibility, connectivity and promoting the use of the facilities by the entire campus community.
The overall project includes replacement parking and upgrade to various campus infrastructure components in support of these buildings. However, it is anticipated that these projects will leverage the introduction of new building systems and infrastructure to maximize resources in its construction and selected equipment.
To complement these new facilities and provide for the growth of the medical academic campus, the project will construct a new boulevard entrance to the campus at 4th Street through the creation of a new intersection per TTUHSC's long-range campus master plan.
In summary the gross square footages included in this project are as follows:
North Expansion:
Education, Research, & Technology (ERT) 62,258 GSF
Conference Center 12,220 GSF
West Expansion:
West Expansion 122,804 GSF
TOTAL: 197,282 GSF. |