Texas Tech University System HomepageTexas Tech University System Homepage

Facilities Planning & Construction
Texas Tech University System

Phone:(806) 742-2116
Email: fpc@ttu.edu

Mailing Address:
Box 42014
Lubbock, TX 79409

Physical Address:
1508 Knoxville Avenue., Ste. 103
Lubbock, TX 79409

In Design


Project # Project Name Budget Detail Status
23-11TTUHSC Lubbock-5B West Research Lab Renovations (CCAP) $1,211,528Stage II Design / Pre-Con
22-10TTUHSC Midland PA New Addition (CCAP) $3,825,000Stage II Design
Total Projects: 2
* Construction and renovation projects valued under $4 million are managed by the operations departments at respective component institutions. If interested in these projects, please contact the specific division at Texas Tech University, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Angelo State University, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso or Midwestern State University.