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Office of Risk Management
Texas Tech University System 

TTU System Building
1508 Knoxville Ave. Ste. 315
Box 42003
Lubbock, TX 79409-2003

Phone: 806.742.0212

General Info:

Workers' Comp: ttus.workerscomp@ttu.edu

8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Central
Monday - Friday


Severe Weather

The Office of Risk Management offers a variety of services to the campus communities of the Texas Tech University System. These services provide employees and students with the ability to identify and manage risks, know and take the appropriate steps in light of events, and instill a culture of safety in their organizations.

The Office of Risk Management offers assistance in the following areas listed below.

Operating a Vehicle

Notary Bond Information

Drug and Alcohol Screening

International Travel

Minimum Insurance Requirements

Driver Approval System

Report an Incident

Conference and Camp Insurance Information